Donate Now to Spread Hope for Kids impacted by L-CMD

We are raising funds ASAP to translate the science and technology that’s available TODAY into treatments that can impact these kids in the critical near-term.

THANK YOU for taking us one step closer to a world free from L-CMD.

Please click here for information about donating by check, IRA, donor advised fund, crypto or stock.


Year-End Tax Considerations -->

Don’t forget these year-end tax considerations:

1) If you donated on GoFundMe, Givebutter, our website or social media, you should have automatically received an email receipt. If you donated via check, stock, crypto or made an in-kind donation, you should have received a mailed tax acknowledgement (either in the mail or email with an attachment). If you didn’t receive a tax receipt for a donation made or need a copy, please email by January 15th. (I may not be able to reissue a receipt for social media donations.)

2) Please don’t forget to submit your donations (even ones made on social media) to your companies for matching by the end of the year (or other deadline set by your specific company).

3) If you are involved at all in setting your company’s charitable giving budget, we would be honored if you would consider advocating for the L-CMD Research Foundation. Please let me know what questions we can answer in this regard!

4) Did you know? December is the month when 1/3 of all charitable giving takes place! Wow! Tax considerations such as donating appreciated stock or donating out of an IRA (for those of age to qualify) may be conversations to have with your tax professional. (For instance, if you donate appreciated stock held over a year, generally you don’t pay capital gains tax and you receive a write off of the appreciated amount.)*

*This article from Schwab Charitable explains more: speak with your tax professional - we are not tax advisors!

Blond boy in Zing stander striped in with black harness and clear head pod holding knit ball